Sponsor a mile of my Ironman on May 21st and change a kids life for eternity! The sponsorships are starting to roll in and spots are beginning to fill up. Read about Camp 220 on their website TwoTwenty.org for more information. I am very excited about the race and it means that much more to me now that I see the support coming in. It will be hard to contain the emotion on race-day. I think about crossing the finish-line, even now after a years worth of preparation and struggle and I get a bit sentimental. There are still plenty of spots available for sponsorship. If you want to see your name listed below by your chosen leg of the race, send me a message and make a pledge today. Here's a quick and easy link to register and choose which portion of the race you want to sponsor. Sign Up Now! If there is a specific mile that you really want, and it isn't already taken, just leave a comment or send me a message and I'll make sure you get it. Take a look at the list below to see which miles are still available. Find out more about the race itself here at Ironmantexas.com .
- Swim - Miles #1 & #2 ($290 - 1 mile)
- Mile #1 - Jim Roberts - Individual Sponsorship
- Mile #2 - Physical Therapy Assoc. - Corporate Sponsorship
- Bike - Miles #3 thru #114 ($25 = 1 mile)
- Miles #3 thru #22: TAS Commercial Concrete - Corporate
- Miles #23 thru #42: NBMC Inc. General Contractor - Corporate
- Mile #43: Geronimo Hilton - Ind. Sponsorship
- Mile #44 & #45: Abby Horn - Ind. Sponsorship
- Mile #46 & #47: Sherri Jones - Ind. Sponsorship
- Miles #48 thru #49: Ruth Hill - Ind. Sponsorship
- Miles #50 thru #69: Available
- Miles #70 thru #81: Andrew & Ruth Miller - Ind. Sponsorship
- Miles #82 thru #99: Available
- Mile #100: Dre Dupont - Ind. Sponsorship
- Miles #101 thru #110: Available
- Mile #111: Tim Griepp - Ind. Sponsorship
- Mile #112: Brandon & Brittanie Hennesey - Ind. Sponsorship
- Mile #113: Alfonso Lugo - Ind. Sponsorship
- Mile #114: David Johnson - Ind. Sponsorship
- Run - Miles #115 thru #140 ($145 = 1 mile)
- Miles #115 thru #136: Available
- Mile #137: Brynnley Trout - Ind. Sponsorship
- Mile #138: Bayley Trout - Ind. Sponsorship
- Mile #139: Sarah Trout - Ind. Sponsorship
- Mile #140: David Trout - Ind. Sponsorship